Gift Aid your donated items

We encourage all donors who are UK tax payers to Gift Aid the items they give to our shops. 

This means, with the donor’s permission, we can use the proceeds from the sale of the donated goods and treat them as Gift Aid donations to St Richard’s Hospice. Currently, for every £1 qualifying donation received we can claim repayment from HMRC of 25 pence.

If you are a 40% taxpayer, at the end of the financial tax year you can claim the difference between the 25% and 40% either for yourself or donate to charity.

Sign up for Retail Gift Aid by completing the form below:

Should any of your circumstances change, please let us know by clicking the link below, or write to us at The Commercial Department, St Richard’s Hospice, Wildwood Drive, Worcester, WR5 2QT.

What can be donated 4
What can be donated 3