26th December 2020

St Richard’s Community Team at Christmas

Christmas been very different for everyone this year, with many unable to see family and friends as usual.

Mindful of how the pandemic restrictions could leave patients isolated, our Community Team is working to ensure those we care for continue to feel supported at this time of year.

The Hospice at Home team has been safely visiting patients and families over the festive period – including on Christmas Day. And a Clinical Nurse Specialist has been on call too.

The Community Team has also worked with our catering staff to identify patients to visit with a hot meal.

Many hospice staff work through Christmas, swapping festivities with their families to care for our patients and their loved ones.

But, none of this would be possible without our community who raise funds, donate, volunteer and more to support our care. Thank you.

To find out more about our care visit www.strichards.org.uk/our-care